Theresa Mackenzie Jackson Memorial Page
Theresa Mackenzie Jackson

Family Photos

Thank you to those who have donated in loving memory of our baby.

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Our Story of Love at First Sight…

I was thrilled to find out in 6/13 that I was expecting twins. Sadly I found out on 7/31/13 that though I was carrying twins I would never bring both home. One of my babies had anencephaly, a rare neural tube defect. I continued the pregnancy with both babies trying to love Tessie as long as I could while planning for Tessie and Noah's birth and saying goodbye to Tessie. With the help of the sisters perinatal bereavement program, hospice and wnypbn I was able to make many memories that I cherish of my baby girl. I have a bear with her heartbeat, foot molds, hand and foot prints among other things. Wnypbn provided the beautiful urn my babies ashes rest in. Losing my Tessie is one of the worst thing that has ever happened but was made easier by the wonderful people who helped me through it. I will always love and miss my girl and Noah will always be a twin.

Thank you for taking the time to read our story and learn about our baby who will only live on in our hearts… forever. We would like to ask that you help the organization that has helped us and helps so many others in their times of need.

All donations made to this page are made in loving memory of our baby gone too soon and will be used towards the WNYPBN’s Program.


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